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How about ToyotaTown?
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Sales (New)
Sales (Used)

Did you purchase or lease a vehicle from this dealership?

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How was your experience with the vehicle financing process? (Optional)

How would you rate the speed of your transaction? (Optional)

How would you rate the dealership's explanation of final vehicle pricing? (Optional)

If you traded in or sold a vehicle, how was that experience? (Optional)

How was your vehicle home delivery from this dealership? (Optional)

How important is the quality of the dealership's service center in the decision of where to purchase a car? (Optional)

What Others Say

Amazing customer service. Best sales team in Canada. Gwen and Rita are nothing but Amazing. 11/10

Thanks to TOYOTATOWN for having excellent personnel as service advisors. Jason Defelice is a "master service advisor "that every customer would like to deal with. Always has good and knowledgeable advice. Honesty and sincere recommendations what makes the customer feel comfortable for being at this TOYOTATOWN for car maintenance. js

Took my vehicle a Toyota Highlander to get an oil change done. I had the pleasure of dealing with Jason He took care of my vehicle while it was there and made sure everything was done correctly.

Latoya was again wonderful in explaining the work to be done and setting the expectations. Once the work was completed on my 2020 Hybrid, she was able to explain the analysis and the work done in detail while showing me the written work done. Thanks LaToya for explaining everything to me and providing me with the big picture of the servicing process.

It was great having LaToya be my Service Advisor. She was very professional and courteous during my appointment and made sure that my vehicle was taken care of properly.

This is a excellent dealership to purchase a car from, the buying process is easy, service is absolutely great, and most importantly they do exactly as they agreed to do, in todays world in my opinion, a good honest dealership can be difficult to find, ToyotaTown is one of the best & I highly recommend if you need a new or used car, give these guys a chance, for sales or service, like me you will be really glad you did